Friday, December 31, 2010

questioning the end.

I was listening to the radio on the way back from the gym with my dad today and the program was finishing off with questions to ask we reflect on the last year and begin the next year-the Christian version. Although I didn't hear all of the questions, I found them thought provoking and so here is my adapted version:

1. What lessons did God teach you this year?

2. How did you serve Him and His people this year?

3. In what ways were you broken for His promises?

4. Where did you fall short, feel broken, but were restored this year?

5. What person, friend or foe, did you learn to love as he asks us to love this year?

6. What circumstance did He give you power you overcome this year?

7. Who stood by you, prayed for you, pushed you, challenged you, served you, discipled you this year?

8. What did He say to you in prayer this year?

9. How did your quiet times grow this year?

10. How are you more like the person He wants you to be right now versus January 2010?

I'm sure there are many other questions to ask and other things to contemplate...but I was extremely challenged today as I listened to this and I hope that as you reflect this new years it can be more than just about resolutions but looking back and looking forward to become the people He wants us to be.

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