Thursday, July 28, 2011

The testimony I never put up. (I do not apologize for the length).

I can safely say that for 20 years of my life I succumbed to Satan's lies that my testimony was not good enough- that it was boring, standard, and not worth telling. During those same 20 years the way I lived my life and walked my faith walk reflected this notion and paralyzed me from being effective for the gospel. So really it was a perpetual circle of logic (or illogic). I have no testimony, so I do not claim a testimony, so His work in my life is dampened, so I remain one who is boringly living a life of faith with no testimony. Are you confused yet? Clearly, I was. A confused girl who was loved by an immeasurable God trying to walk by her own plans and hoping God's plans worked out through them.

You see, I grew up with Christian parents who went to church-served at church, read their Bibles, prayed, taught me to love those around me, and etc. It was and is because of their faith that I came to know God. But there was a large flaw in how I interpreted the God I knew. I knew God just like I knew the all his stories, all the answers at Sunday school, how to greet people at church, how to be "such a nice child who was friendly and helpful", but mostly I just knew how to act the Christian walk. You see I had seen "the walk" in full effect all around me and I knew exactly what one who was blessed acted like, one who was prayerful looked like, one who was serving was humble like. And it was this act that ruled my faith for a long time. I never doubted who God was, that he was real, or his control over my life, but it was not the knowledge of Him or my intimacy with Him that led my actions, thoughts, and desires. What guided me was the "norm" of what I knew and the role I played in all circumstances. I was confused and didn't know it. I thought I was perfectly fine and so did everyone else- and thus no testimony- boring Christian life.

In August of 2000, I made a profession of faith while lying on my bed at the Christian camp I went to every year. The pastor was speaking on having a faith that was your own and not one that was based on anyone or anything else. God tugged at my heart during that message. I knew and He knew full well that the faith I proclaimed wasn't my own and that night I claimed the faith for my own. I think that God did begin to change my thoughts and mind that day, but I think I was so comfortable in "the lifestyle" that nothing gripped me or turned my world upside down.

It became time to apply for colleges and all I wanted was to run away from the sheltered rural town I lived in and go somewhere new. Did I consult God in this decision? Of course not! If he let me get in somewhere it was obviously His plan. (Follow along with me here). So I visit 26 schools and have absolutely no clue where to go, so I apply to 6 schools randomly dispersed through the east coast and think to myself "wherever I get in I'll go". In the end I decide on Penn because I made a Brazilian friend here during Penn Previews- random but true.

My family was moving away from my hometown 2 weeks before I moved for my Freshman year and about 2 weeks before that I experienced 2 very strong types of attacks on my faith that then I did not realize were attacks. First, I began to have nightmares/terrors. They didn't contain people or places I knew but just dark, red, and heat. Secondly and a resultant of the terrors, I got very anxious and scared of coming to college. As always, I played it off cool, but for one of the first times I prayed earnestly that God would guide me in college. It was also during this time that I searched out and sent e-mails to contact people at the college ministries at Penn so that I would immediately get involved. Looking back now, I think I only did this because I was so scared from these attacks, but I also know that God put before me the decision to seek Him in my fear and He had guided me to choose comfort in Him and through His people.

College was difficult for me from day one because of the range of beliefs, styles, intelligence, all far outreached that which I had ever encountered. I went to the Campus Crusade ministry for a while and met a few girls that I got along well with, but I really missed the church ministry feel. Though I resisted attending GCC for a long time the first time I went I got put into a family group and quickly got plugged almost unbeknownst to me. I found my self serving, attending a family group, a member, almost within a couple months of going for the first time. God was taking care of me the way I had asked Him to in that prayer a few months before.

I could say I grew a lot my freshman year, but that would be a lie. It is clear to me that freshman year I just fell easily into the church-member role that I had so easily starred in my entire life. In this role I was comfortable no matter how incorrect it was. But through this I just felt lonely in this community of Asians where I did not feel like I could belong and where my sisterly friendships were so shallow. Because of this I built up my walls really depending on one friend as my go to. Coming back to school sophomore year everything was confusing. People had new goals to study more, the one friend I depended on I rarely saw, my knit group of friends in my previous family group was no more, the older sisters I was always with had graduated, and my walls were 8 feet thick. I trusted no one and I tested everyone. When they failed me I told myself I knew they would and this was why I couldn't tell them truths. This year my world fell apart. Right before the year ended, a friend severely rebuked me stating hurts, demanding truths in the midst of all the misleading, and pointing out insecurities and huge character flaws. Though he doesn't know it, this friend also showed me the most grace I'd ever seen from a person and ultimately demonstrated to me God grace in human form. I left that year a mess and running as hard and as far as I knew how to, but this show of grace was what God used to start building me anew.

That summer, I didn't attend church or even open my Bible, but God ordained that my roommate was Christian showed me simple faith. One that was not showy, but faithful. By the end of the summer, I was ready to start over- small and faithful. That was junior year- my faith was simple, not complicated, not showy, just happy and faithful. Senior year God gave me the greatest people to run the race with. From my daily interactions with them he strengthened my faith, allowed me to see how to live boldly but quietly. But most of all that year He asked me to give up my plans and follow His. Reluctantly and with much prayer I did and He showed me that though that would mean living faith in a spotlight of sorts, I no longer was acting my life- I was living it.

And so we get to this past year- my Ano Auxano- my year to live my Nazerene vow- my year to give all and keep nothing for myself. All I can say as I reflect is that He's been abundantly faithful, patient, and steady beside me all these years. I will not expect any less as He increases and I decrease.

And on this journey, I will no longer post here, but rather at M420.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

see you later :D

Wow. My ano auxano ends today. Congrats 2011, it is now your year.
My testimony never made it on here and I will post it one of these days, but for now it's time to do a little bit of closure.

365 days ago I had expectations, I had visions of what I wanted my year to look like, I knew how I wanted to serve, but I really didn't know what I was in for- all I wanted was to grow.

This year...
- I meditated on the meaning of Titus 2 and what it means to be part of a church and be a worker, a sister, a servant.
- I saw God open my heart to desire his call for ministry and service in such a way where I really became less (a lot less).
- I was overwhelmed by how God was already working before my prayers, during my prayers, and allowed me to be able to intercede for people in the ways that He was already leading them.
- I was broken because I didn't understand why people didn't get it, but I realized that was God giving me a greater heart for His work despite the struggle
- I stayed up late with my family group because I believed in being a family and sense of community. God gave me strength and energy beyond belief to do all I needed to do and my family group became a family.
- I overcame loneliness and dependency on people to find joy in my solitary moments. Truly God gave me peace without my best friends.
- I realized my friendships are different now and that our paths have diverged in several ways, but He comforted me.
- God showed me the glory in His old testament through Moses and Abraham.
- I have been encouraged by those that have fought for God's work in the past - Jim Elliot, Hudson Taylor, and Paul.
- Habakkuk 1:5 became my new life verse- and I pray that I will always be amazed because what He is doing is beyond what I can imagine.
- I learned to can my own jam, my own yogurt, and frozen dinners (yay domesticity)

Thank you Lord for your provision, for your leading, for your love this year. I'm ready for many more.

I will be signing off ano auxano and taking life/living life outside the blog world. Thanks for growing with me this year. See you later.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


a certain sister asked me to share my testimony for Easter on my blog and, though, since I received the e-mail I have been writing and re-writing, I have yet to be able to put it all down in to words. I feel like my story has several parts and several major lessons. So while I write away what might be a several post long testimony let me share this with you on this Easter season.

God took me as a broken sinner (Rom 3:23) and cleansed me of my sin on his rugged cross. And though I don't deserve it, he loved me (Rom 5:8), and changed my life and is continuing to change my character. This God has been with me through all of my hurts and pains and though I pridefully want to stand on my own and do it my way, my God has exquisite plans that when I focus on them , they transform my being.

Please know that you don't have to go through life running alone. Pleas know that though it's hard, you will make it through. But most of all, please know that you are loved beyond measure.

Friday, April 8, 2011

because He is great.

i never know what to write here anymore.
it all just seems too personal. too real. actually, just too personal. we are 3 months to the year anniversary of the official start of anoauxano as a blog, but true beginning of this year was may 18th. just 325 days ago. only 40 days until one year.

true to this year God wouldn't let me just chill and bask in what He's taught/is teaching me...there are convictions wizzing around me, through me, and in me constantly-especially as of late.

if you see me walking around lost in the clouds during these next 40 days, do not be surprised. i am stupified. i am stumped. my jaw is on the floor. i don't even know where to begin.

but God, thank you for this:
"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."- Habakkuk 1:5

One of my favorite verses, but right now I hold on to the fact that I don't have to look far. What He's doing I can't believe, even as He's telling me, but it is not because I am weak- it's because He is great.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Top Chef (A Jubilee Project Short and Fundraiser for Japan)

Watch it. Helps JAPAN...and it's cute :D.

If you don't know about the Jubilee Project it's a few guys raising money for good causes through their videos. Doing GOOD is contagious.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For Japan with Love

Most of you know, but some do not, that my parents are in Japan right now, Tokyo to be exact. They are ok (thank you for the prayers), but many are not in the same situation. I know I don't post daily, but March 18th I will not be posting.

Some are calling it a bloggers day of silence to support the cause. Please click on the link to the right (the big red dot) and donate to Shelterbox. ShelterBox was one of the first organizations asked by Japan to help and were on hand on the Saturday after the quake. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.

So do just do it. Join the movement. Lend a hand. Because we are ALL God's children.

Monday, February 21, 2011

today in the book i'm reading people died for sake of the cross, later i heard a message on Stephen a martyr for the gospel, and in between these two instances i had a conversation where i was urged to really think about what's important in my life.

on top of the weekend i've had, all i can say is that i am so blessed. even if i'm not currently physically dying i know what is important in my life and i will run towards that, and i pray i would do so regardless of the cost.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

pray without ceasing

whatcha doin'?

QT, praising with Jesus
waking up, waking to Jesus
brushing my teeth, brushing with Jesus
taking a shower, talking to Jesus
walking to work, walking with Jesus
working hard, working with Jesus
eating lunch, eating with Jesus
meeting up, ministering with Jesus
going to bed, talking to Jesus

talking to Jesus, eating with Jesus, walking with Jesus, working with Jesus, ministering with Jesus.

think about it. so sweet.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

someone i knew in a different life wrote this on his twitter today and i thought it was pretty powerful:

purity is not the principle of holiness applied to the area of sexuality. Holiness not abstinence is the standard.

Friday, February 11, 2011

thursday nights

Coming into this year I knew God had crazy things in store for me to see, experience, be broken by, be blessed by, but I had no clue that my Thursday nights would be this insanely blessing. If you talk to me, I often say I have the best servants team ever, but in light of the fact that I have been told recently that I need to explain the reasoning behind my words- here is my reasoning. I often find myself an incapable leader, not because I'm not commanding or demanding or don't have a vision, but because, for me, I run on emotion. I make my mind up through logic then run on emotion full forced. So, though I'm methodical, I think it's hard for people to grasp why I love or why I w/e the way I do...therefore bad leader. Good leader = being clear, showing the vision, preparing people, etc etc.
Despite this, I really feel like C and I have come to see my vision and have joined along with their own swag. And it's so good. Beyond good. So good. I am so encouraged by the ways that you're growing. I can SEE it. It's's like right in front of me like a big billboard. I'm so blessed by the way that we work as a team. We all have our little jobs and it works like a oiled machine. I am so challenged by your ideas and thoughts. I love how we are testifying of what God is doing in the little things. I am overwhelmed by how God is using you two to teach our family group members. I love how after our servants meeting...we just sit and share and enjoy laughter, stresses, awkward moments, but generally just our little B-1 culture bubble.
One things I shared with one of the pastors earlier this year is that I get really overwhelmed at the thought that I am leading people who are going to "grow up" to do even crazier things than I ever did for God. Thank you C and I for letting me see and experience what it means to be a part of growing leaders who will do far beyond what I will ever do- I am so blessed by you two. I am so blessed by our Thursday nights.

Monday, February 7, 2011

water diluted sweetened condensed milk [SCM]

is not as sweet, or rich, or yummy on top of strawberries.

As a kid, I was allergic to food coloring (don't worry it didnt last too long) so my sweet tooth was relegated to eating fruit. Mind you, I LOVE fruit, but I honestly wanted to eat cake and the awesome brazilian treat things at birthday parties (see: So to spice up my strawberries came SCM. If you haven't had it. Try it. It's awesome. On top of almost anything. But I digress.

Today, I brought strawberries topped with SCM...but...I made a fatal mistake of washing my strawberries right before applying the SCM which lead to just sweet milk by the time lunch came around. The "condensed" is the texture, the richness, the yum. Though still sweet and milky...the concentrated yummy goodness is GONE.

And because I have a strange thought process, I thought about how often God tops his blessings with SCM but I choose to dilute with many other good things (washing fruit is good). Today I just want to rest in his rich, concentrated, sweet goodness to me. Don't dilute your SCM today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

taking the day off

Hello world.

On 1/28/2011, I will be taking the day off.

No phone, no gchat, no adult work. If it is an emergency, please e-mail which I will likely check every few hours.

Please pray for our college retreat which will commence tomorrow at 515pm- may God speak breath into the college ministry and yell powerfully into people's lives.

See ya on the other side of the weekend :D.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:7-9

Thank you B-1, B-1servants, Welcoming for sharing with me this week.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


that is what You have asked of me.

but thank you for my little peg.

that so graciously kept me until I was ready.

ezra 9- read it. love it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Some days a song says exactly what my heart feels. So while I sit in tears incapable of forming words to write or prayer to pray, a song is put on repeat.

Today- this is my song.

There must be more than this,
O breath of God come breathe within,
There must be more than this,
Spirit of God we wait for You.

Fill us anew we pray,
Fill us anew we pray.

Consuming fire fan into flame,
A passion for Your Name,
Spirit of God would You fall in this place,
Lord have Your way,
Lord have Your way with us,

Come like a rushing wind,
Clothe us with power from on high,
Now set the captives free,
Leave us abandoned to Your praise.

Lord let Your glory fall,
Lord let Your glory fall.

*Consuming Fire-Tim Hughes*