Wow. My ano auxano ends today. Congrats 2011, it is now your year.
My testimony never made it on here and I will post it one of these days, but for now it's time to do a little bit of closure.
365 days ago I had expectations, I had visions of what I wanted my year to look like, I knew how I wanted to serve, but I really didn't know what I was in for- all I wanted was to grow.
This year...
- I meditated on the meaning of Titus 2 and what it means to be part of a church and be a worker, a sister, a servant.
- I saw God open my heart to desire his call for ministry and service in such a way where I really became less (a lot less).
- I was overwhelmed by how God was already working before my prayers, during my prayers, and allowed me to be able to intercede for people in the ways that He was already leading them.
- I was broken because I didn't understand why people didn't get it, but I realized that was God giving me a greater heart for His work despite the struggle
- I stayed up late with my family group because I believed in being a family and sense of community. God gave me strength and energy beyond belief to do all I needed to do and my family group became a family.
- I overcame loneliness and dependency on people to find joy in my solitary moments. Truly God gave me peace without my best friends.
- I realized my friendships are different now and that our paths have diverged in several ways, but He comforted me.
- God showed me the glory in His old testament through Moses and Abraham.
- I have been encouraged by those that have fought for God's work in the past - Jim Elliot, Hudson Taylor, and Paul.
- Habakkuk 1:5 became my new life verse- and I pray that I will always be amazed because what He is doing is beyond what I can imagine.
- I learned to can my own jam, my own yogurt, and frozen dinners (yay domesticity)
Thank you Lord for your provision, for your leading, for your love this year. I'm ready for many more.
I will be signing off ano auxano and taking life/living life outside the blog world. Thanks for growing with me this year. See you later.
been a good year, glad you'll still be here for my last(?)