Monday, February 7, 2011

water diluted sweetened condensed milk [SCM]

is not as sweet, or rich, or yummy on top of strawberries.

As a kid, I was allergic to food coloring (don't worry it didnt last too long) so my sweet tooth was relegated to eating fruit. Mind you, I LOVE fruit, but I honestly wanted to eat cake and the awesome brazilian treat things at birthday parties (see: So to spice up my strawberries came SCM. If you haven't had it. Try it. It's awesome. On top of almost anything. But I digress.

Today, I brought strawberries topped with SCM...but...I made a fatal mistake of washing my strawberries right before applying the SCM which lead to just sweet milk by the time lunch came around. The "condensed" is the texture, the richness, the yum. Though still sweet and milky...the concentrated yummy goodness is GONE.

And because I have a strange thought process, I thought about how often God tops his blessings with SCM but I choose to dilute with many other good things (washing fruit is good). Today I just want to rest in his rich, concentrated, sweet goodness to me. Don't dilute your SCM today.