I love the creation story, because when I think of it it's like this perfect God creating one of those box models we made in elementary school and putting in everything He wanted it in it. I can almost see Him smiling ("it was good") as each little piece was put in perfectly. I mean, I know this isn't what's happening, but to me there's this kind of childlike joy in this perfect creation He's made. I realize that it doesn't stay like that, but for the first chapter of the Word, it's pretty sweet.
I love how in Genesis we see God revealing different sides/character of Himself, it's like He wants us to know who He is from the beginning of this scripture book He's given us. This is such good deals (as some would say).
1:26 - trinity
all of chapter 1- creator God (Elohim)
1:21 - sacrifice
8:21 - forgiving
16:13 - the God who Sees (El Roi)
17:1 - Almighty God (El Shaddai)
22:14-15 - the God who provides (Jehovah-Jireh)
There are 2 verses that break my heart in Genesis and I can't get over them as they ring in my head.
Genesis 2:18 - It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.
Genesis 3:16 - To the woman He said: I will greatly multiply your sorrow and conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.
The word comparable in the chapter 2 verse is what gets me. She was made a helper comparable. Not less than, not weaker than, not less wise than, not less able, but comparable. But this comparability is not anymore because now in chapter 3 because of sin- he rules over her. Submission because of Eve's sin. It's ok, I'm not going to rant and rave about submission because I believe in submission - to me I'm ok with Him having this role. It just boggles my mind that Eve's sin caused comparable to go to less than. I think it's because I'm a sister who is in this age where all my friends are getting married, I just can't get over how this woman could be so weak - and in her weakness brings her husband with her.
Sorry to end on a strange note.
I will add further later today on what I read since this was yesterday's post...which I didn't get to because of the 8 hour hangout with my family group B-1! (shameless plug)
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